Fun for awhile
I'm a big 2d battle fan and in some ways this game is very appealing. In a large way though, this game is a big let down.
As far as the battles go, this game is pretty solid. There are a few catches even here. These include projectile movement being centered on you, the screen not keeping you centered, and no means of finding off screen enemies. The projectiles will follow the path you're steering making it easy to guide fire into enemies by turning and drive towards them or slowing down if you have over shot. The drawback of this is that if you try to run away from fire you will pull it with you. Movement on the battle field is horrible. By no means should a game place your ship halfway off the screen while there is nothing but blue sea in the middle. Finding the enemy ships is awful. Do everything you can to keep track of them. Check close from all directions first before venturing from your starting point. Normally they're bellow or above traveling clockwise. If you do lose an enemy though, you will either have to restart the game or spend several minutes hunting them because the AI has probably buried their boat in a wall. Trust me I've done laps around the walls of the map (both directions), crossed an X through the middle, and sailed in increasing spirals only to find no enemy in sight (big or small enemies). The best upgrade you will ever buy in this game is top tear cannons. The extra range is realistically the only way to come away clean in a fight. however you can get a drop on a more powerful enemy by spinning to increase firing rate (both sides) or by using grape shot then ramming. Grape shooting or sieging enemy boats hurts your profit and should only be done to capture a superior ship.
The battle is the highlight of this game, the rest is garbage. For all the selection you can make in this game, there are hardly any differences. The only difference in countries would be where you start. The only difference in ships is how they look and how many shots they fire at once. Fighting on ships or land is just 1 to 1 killing in which you get a slight edge. Why there is even a time consuming cut scene is beyond me. Also there is really no point is sailing anywhere. In the end you end up mindlessly driving around waiting for fights so you can make money.
Don't spend any money on guns, EVER. Just get a really big ship and blow some enemies up and quit playing! I spent the few hours to beat this game. This game becomes very tedious of rebuying expensive guns (why can't we just buy more bullets?!?!) and paying for men every month. You win nothing for capturing a town. This goes for any town. You never get to fight more than two boats. After all the work of raising funds to kill town after town your reward for beating this game is "Sire, the victory is ours."